

Fuzzy chiton
To 7.5 cm. Girdle crowded with calcareous spines of different forms and sizes. Valves brown with white bands, often eroded. Lives high in the intertidal, on rocks.

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Hendersons Lucine
Moderately inflated valves; three anterior sulci and one posterior sulcus reaching from beaks to ventral margin; concentric sculpture of erect lamellae with numerous secondary concentrics in each interspace; and prosogyrate umbos projecting above the shell body. 

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Hydropoliep. Marine soort. Klein kwalletje. De paraplu is enigszins afgevlakt en kan een diameter van 25-35 mm lang. Het heeft vier radiale kanalen. De maag reikt iets onder de paraplu, die een groot aantal korte, marginale tentakels heeft. De maag, geslachtsklieren, en de basis van de marginale tentakels zijn allemaal gekleurd licht sepia.

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Convoluted orange sponge
Massive yellow to orange encrusting sponge with a convoluted apearance. The surface is often covered by substrate or algue. Fills cavities in reefs and grows in sand and rubble. Lives at 20 m or deeper.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Sponzen
Black ball sponge
Gray or black globular sponge with often a spiky surface. May have shallow depressions on upper side.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Sponzen
Brown encrusting octopus sponge
Reddish brown to orange sponge with lighter colors around the raised openings. Openings may form tubes of maximum 10 cm height.  The sponge is encrusting but may form irregular branches.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Sponzen
Tubulate sponge
Massive smooth tubulate sponge with rounded top. Grows in clusters, tube walls may be fused. Greyish brown to orange or pink. The broad rims of the opening typically lighter. 

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Sponzen
Dubbele waaierkokerworm
Borstelworm. Mariene soort.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Borstelwormen
Borstelworm. Mariene soort.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Borstelwormen
Kristalwitte eierroofslak
Zie aangepaste velden

Zoetwater vlokreeft.

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Viper moray
see customfields

Geplaats in: Soorten, Vissen
zie aangepaste velden

Driekantige kalkkokerworm
Borstelworm. Mariene soort.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Borstelwormen
White Margate
Saltwaterfish. Grunts. They have a very high back profile and small eyes with white irises. The White Margate is  the largest Grunts, growing to over two feet in length.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Vissen
Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber
See custom fields

Sponge Brittle Star
See custom fields

Redcollar tubeworms
Bristle worm. Saltwater. Feather Duster Worms. Worm colony, which normally consists of dozens of similar rigid tubes sheltering serpulid worms. The worms use their exposed tentacles to catch drifting bits of food. They are extremely sensitive to changes in light and will withdraw completely within a split second if disturbed. The tubes are small, with an inner diameter of a pencil lead, and are usually found in shaded areas underneath coral heads, out of direct sunlight.

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Geplaats in: Soorten, Borstelwormen
Whitestar Sheet Coral
See custom fields

Geplaats in: Soorten, Neteldieren
Common Octopus
See custom fields

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Weekdieren (EU-Habitatrichtlijn)

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Mariene soorten en ecologie

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  • Met locatie-omschrijvingen
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Stichting ANEMOON
Postbus 29
2120 AA Bennebroek




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