

Artikelen mei 2016

Boulder star coral
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Yellow pencil coral
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Encrusting gorgonian
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Gaudy natica
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Great Tellin
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Artichoke coral
Circular large and solitary individuals with radiant ridges of the skeleton visible though the fleshy tissue.

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Low relief lettuce coral
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Lettuce coral
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Maze coral
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Grooved brain coral
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Knobby brain coral
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Massive starlet coral
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Mustard hill coral
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Great star coral
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Mountainous star coral
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Ten-ray star coral
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Pillar coral
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Atlantic creolefish
Smooth purplish, olive or reddish brown  fish, usually  with irregular black spots on the upper part of the body. 

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Geplaats in: Vissen
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Geplaats in: Vissen
Fuzzy chiton
To 7.5 cm. Girdle crowded with calcareous spines of different forms and sizes. Valves brown with white bands, often eroded. Lives high in the intertidal, on rocks.

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Weekdieren (EU-Habitatrichtlijn)

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Mariene soorten en ecologie

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  • Met organiseren activiteiten


Stichting ANEMOON
Postbus 29
2120 AA Bennebroek




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